Benefits with Penoxal

Our customer feedback is very much appreciated and so we have prepared a special offer which may motivate you and help us to get the information needed. Please do not be afraid and get in touch, there is no commitment expected and we will gladly provide any detailed information.

3 pack in exchange for your story

Experience of those who have tried our product is priceless. Therefore we have decided to reward everybody who writes a personal story related to Penoxal and its use. You will get a 3 pack of Penoxal (3×120 capsules) as a reward. Have you used Penoxal and you have the most positive experience? Then send us your one-page personal story at with a photo of you and we will be happy to reward you.

All you need to do is give us an honest opinion and personal experience you describe.

  • Send us all needed information to – your story on at least half of an A4 page with your photo
  • You can get inspired by other published stories at our website

If you have any questions about the mentioned, we are available by e-mail, phone or on our FB pages, and we will be happy to answer them.

Mob.:  +44 208 0685 917