Eva L. – liver cancer

In early 2015, I was diagnosed with large bowel cancer. Everything was fine once I had undergone two surgeries, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. I’ve been going for regular check-ups. Two years later, I was diagnosed with cancer again, this time with liver cancer. After a successful surgery at the oncology ward, I underwent further chemotherapy. Everything seemed fine again. Two years later, I was diagnosed with lung cancer, even though I was a non-smoker. Yet further chemotherapy treatment followed.

While I was undergoing this treatment, I stumbled upon Penoxal online. Although I’m generally suspicious of such food supplements, I started taking it. After taking Penoxal for a while my blood count improved and so I ordered another pack due to the results being so positive. During my last check-up my doctor determined that my blood count was even better than before. This convinced me that the supplement really worked. Due to the price, I waited a while before writing a positive review, preferring to take Penoxal for a longer period of time, so that I could be totally sure about recommending it.

As chemotherapy didn’t leave me feeling very well and my cancer tumours weren’t growing too much, my doctor discontinued the treatment for three months. Since then, I’ve been taking Penoxal 3 times a day; I used to only take it twice a day. After the three months, new images showed that my tumours hadn’t changed much. So the doctor decided to postpone the treatment for another six months. I believe this is the result of Penoxal’s positive effects. Considering my experience, I definitely recommend this supplement.

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